Launching a new fashion collection - spring 2019

Launching a new fashion collection - spring 2019

Twice per year we launch a new collection and organize event where we present it to media, press, influencers and our customers.

In spring 2019 everything was rollin’ around #spreadthelook collection. First with the launch of collection in the Glow convention and then later on it remained the main topic when we presented the new collection in our 4 countries.

With a help of our local PR agencies we determined location that would best fit the topic, found the perfect time so that at that day there won’t be held some other events. We usually invite around 50 best known media and press in each country, as well as best known influencers from fashion industry.

Budget is usually determined in a way that can’t meet all of our desires, however that is why imagination is very welcomed. So, already at the begining I ask myself how I wish this season’s collection to be perceived, felt and remebered.

I try to travel to every event to stay in contact with the local media, influencers and of course to set all the details with our PR agencies which are needed for after the event. Because event is just one part of presenting new collection. We also plan the vigorous marketing and communication campaigns to achieve visibility, meet sales forecasts and cultivate customer loyalty.

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Me giving interviews after the event.

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Love what you do, so smile.

Photos: Deichmann,